Just Thinking…
Just another WordPress weblog

I’m kind of happy in an oddly abnormal manner.
I don’t really care to tell you. I just felt like being happy.
No, of course not. How many people are happy just because they want to be?
I don’t know, but you certainly are.
Well, it’s none of your business.
I beg your pardon, but I am you, after a fashion.
Then you ought to know already, and you don’t need to ask.
Have you noticed how much more you talk than I do?
I have better reason.
You’re also being rather uninteresting.
No one’s required to read this. In which case, it hardly matters.
You’re always stilted when you talk to me.
Yes, you do tend to bring out my difficult side.
Whereas I am perfectly natural.
I wonder which of us is more interesting.
That’s easy.
Yeah? Who?

We interrupt the conversation with ourselves to draw your attention to a lovely full moon outside. Seriously, it is spectacular. Huge and fat and round, with the lower half thinly covered with a veil of cloud.
These are things that must be shared. Which I did. And I feel more satisfied now, even though the moon won’t look this cool for very long.
But for now, it’s beautiful.


Mood changes are strange. They’re brought on by strange things. They are experienced by strange people. And thought of by profound people. Which means that I am profound, as I appear to be thinking of them.
By the way, mood changes also make people tired. At least they make me tired. If I were to go through a mood change, that would make me tired. BUT, if I were tired, it would not necessarily mean that I had gone through a mood change.
Even if I did.

I feel like such an idiot. Can I ever keep my mouth shut?
Okay, so, tonight I talked to someone I practically hate. The thing is, I don’t always hate Said Person. Just most of the time. Tonight was one of the times that I didn’t absolutely hate Said Person. So, I talked to Said Person, for no absolute reason, and proceeded to tell Said Person that I liked them very little, after which I said that I hated them most of the time. Right after that I called a friend and said that I had really messed up. Said Friend said that he had just gotten a text from Said Person’s sister asking if he knew why Said Person was crying. At this, a feminine weakness to make Said Person feel better overtook me, and I called Said Person to apologize and say that I didn’t mean most of what I said. EVEN THOUGH I DID!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???


Today was frickin’ awesome. Amazing on every count, beautiful in every detail. Today was perfection.


Where am I going? What’s going to happen to me? I can’t see the future like I thought I could. Why do I mess things up so much? How can I get straight A’s and have plenty of common sense but NEVER USE IT??? I don’t want to be an engineer. I hate the idea. I guess it doesn’t matter; it’s a job and they’re not always fun. But I want to have something fun when it’s over, and I honestly don’t know if I’ll have that. And I’m taking engineering so that I can support myself if I don’t get married. So, I won’t have much fun at home and I won’t have fun at work. And even if I did have fun at work, I’d rather have it switched around. I was so sure about what would happen; and now I’m not. I’m okay. Just tired, I guess. I have enough reason to be, at least. I’m not making a huge deal out of nothing in that respect. (I’m not even making a huge deal about it.)
If I had the chance to see the future, would I take it, no matter how bad the future could be? I don’t know. I wish I did. I think I would, just out of curiosity. But it wouldn’t be good, either way. Either the future is good, and I go crazy waiting for it, or it’s bad, and thinking about it makes me wish I were dead, or at least asleep for a good long time. But then, since when have I done things the easy way? Everything my parents have told me, I’ve tried for myself. Well, except for the obvious ones like, “If you jump off a cliff, you will die.” I’m not that stupid.

Such madness in this place. Why did I say that? I don’t know. It’s actually relatively normal here. (Which, BTW, is a little abnormal in itself.) I just felt like saying there was madness in this place. I’m exhausted. If I start rambling, I’m not responsible for anything I say.
I’ve discovered that I like to talk about myself. A lot.
Well, duh. Why else would you have started this blog?
To share my brilliant thoughts with the world, of course.
Brilliant thoughts?
All your brilliant thoughts come from me.
Yeah, you wish. Go away, will you? I was talking.
About yourself.
Did I mention to you that I got on the president’s list for my academic acheivements? I did.
And did I ever tell you I once named both my feet? I don’t believe so.


HAHA!!! I am a GENIUS! I am MAD! I am a MAD GENIUS! Which is even better (and more profitable, as you would see if you were such a thing) than being either one of those things by themselves.
It’s not normal for me to be as happy as I am. Not even normal for me. (Even though I am a very abnormal person. A MAD GENIUS, as I believe I specified before.) ( I like capitalizing MAD GENIUS. Do you like capitalizing MAD GENIUS?) Being this happy, while not natural for a human being, even this human being, is a GOOD thing.
I forgot why I was such a MAD GENIUS.

Rather hyper right now. Iced tea. Skittles. RAMEN NOODLES. All that good stuff. I just started my second quarter. I think I’ll like it. Okay, to be honest, I don’t know if I will or not. I told Kevin I would. I was pretty sure I was right. Maybe not though. We’ll see. I’m not that worried about it. (Me, the worrier. But honestly, I’m really not worried.) OH MY GOODNESS. I AM GOING TO KILL EVERYONE ONE OF THEM!!! I AM GOING TO PUT THEM IN THE GARAGE AND GAS THEM. And if I can’t find them all, I’ll exterminate them individually. I’m talking about THOSE RIDICULOUS CATS!!! One of them crapped on the bathroom floor! And YES, if one does something, THEY ALL DIE.
I am now hyper and mildly pissed off. Yes, that is MILDLY pissed off. You are lucky enough to have never seen me mad.
I’ve seen you mad.
I was not referring to you. This isn’t your blog anyway. It’s MINE. So stay out of it.
Now that we’re rid of my other self…
Speaking of that sort of thing, Kevin and I discussed schizophrenia and the possibility that I have it. He thinks yes. I think otherwise. I tend to think otherwise out loud even if I completely agree with him in secret.


School starts again tomorrow. I’m a little excited, I guess, but frankly, I think I’m screwed. 21 credits shouldn’t even be allowed. The college should prevent me from being overly ambitious. In fact, I should sue. Somehow, I don’t think I’d win. Even though lawsuits have been won with more ridiculous things. Maybe I’m being ridiculous. Maybe it was ridiculous for me to pick that many classes. Maybe I won’t get straight A’s this quarter. That could be kind of bad if I want to get a scholarship. Maybe talking right now is ridiculous.

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