Just Thinking…
Just another WordPress weblog

I’m kind of happy in an oddly abnormal manner.
I don’t really care to tell you. I just felt like being happy.
No, of course not. How many people are happy just because they want to be?
I don’t know, but you certainly are.
Well, it’s none of your business.
I beg your pardon, but I am you, after a fashion.
Then you ought to know already, and you don’t need to ask.
Have you noticed how much more you talk than I do?
I have better reason.
You’re also being rather uninteresting.
No one’s required to read this. In which case, it hardly matters.
You’re always stilted when you talk to me.
Yes, you do tend to bring out my difficult side.
Whereas I am perfectly natural.
I wonder which of us is more interesting.
That’s easy.
Yeah? Who?

We interrupt the conversation with ourselves to draw your attention to a lovely full moon outside. Seriously, it is spectacular. Huge and fat and round, with the lower half thinly covered with a veil of cloud.
These are things that must be shared. Which I did. And I feel more satisfied now, even though the moon won’t look this cool for very long.
But for now, it’s beautiful.

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