Just Thinking…
Just another WordPress weblog

I can’t wait for school!!!! Apparently people think I’m straitjacket crazy. In fact, even Teddy admits that while I am perfectly mentally stable, I occasionally give off the impression of true insanity. Hmm. But still!!! School is awesome! And I’m in engineering again (5th? 6th major change? Not quite sure) and I’m ridiculously excited about it.
And quite frankly, I miss seeing Teddy all the time. I mean, we spent most of every day together since (and two weeks before) we started dating. And we had the best times. I never laughed so hard as when I was with him. He kept me going when I was studying and completely exhausted with triple integrals. And now I see him once every couple of weeks. I guess I’m lucky to see him that much. Still, I can’t wait for everything to get back to normal. And man, I miss my school friends too!

It’s been a while since I’ve really written in here. Never fear, I still talk non-stop in real life. I just kind of shut up cyberically. And you know what? I don’t care if you think that’s not a real word. It is now, and an awesome one at that. Also, your opinion doesn’t matter very much because this is not your blog.
I was talking about Europe to a friend from Taekwon-Do and we are now planning to go next summer. Never mind that I’ll have to work weekends and skip snowboarding to go. We’re gonna go EVERYWHERE…
At least I hope so. She doesn’t know for sure if she can go, and neither do I. But we’re looking at plane tickets now. My mom would kill me if she knew. I’ll have to tell her soon. You can bet it won’t go over well.
You have no idea the kind of thrill that goes through you when you’re looking for plane tickets. It’s amazing.
School starts soon!!!!! I can’t wait. I’m taking chemistry, Calc II, honors writing, then another honors class which is kind of lit/history, intro to engineering, and religion. Religion is kind of mandatory. Oh well. No big.
Life kind of rocks. Even if I can’t get Xavier off my mind. 🙂

Kinda like my life. If nothing else, I’m rarely bored. No, I don’t mean it’s full of drama. Not anymore at least, thank goodness. That was just a mess. Nope, now I’m getting back in shape, getting ready for school, and… I’m seeing someone. I shall refer to him on here – assuming I ever refer to him at all – as the One Whom I Am Seeing. Or Xavier. Yes, he looks and acts like a Xavier. Whatever it is that Xaviers act like. Plus I always liked the name. Aiie, I’m starved.
Kevin, you were right – cats are the devil’s spawn. I say this right after chasing the worst of them out of the laundry basket. I’m sure that tomorrow, I’ll think about them and say, oh, they’re not that bad; soft, furry, purry, sweet, etc. Waaaaiiit… no, tomorrow, I’ll be too busy to think about cats. I’m gonna see Sean AND there’s a tournament!!! My hand is pretty much all better. I wish I could describe how much I love competition. There’s nothing like it. Grrr, I need to go switch out the laundry.
So pumped for tomorrow though… don’t know why. I think maybe I’m ready for this one.


Sean and I mashed up strawberries with our fingers and mixed them with sugar. He giggles like a girl. (He doesn’t think I can write them.)
What an outrage. The Magnificent Bridget has been poked. Not on Facebook but (I hate Facebook pokes) on her side!!!
I am so magnificent.
Sean is smiling.
I am smiling.
I am hungry.
But only for strawberries. They are one of my many true loves.
Also aftershave is cool.
Do you like aftershave?
Bridget! Aftershave is for men only.
Wait, I wear aftershave!
Of course, but you’re male, I. But it is quite nice. Smells good and makes your face soft. Also it tastes rather delightful.
Sean’s looking at me with an unusual expression. I think he’s picturing me eating his aftershave.
I like this song. I have no idea who does it. But it’s cool.
I think I’m going to finish another episode of an undisclosed show which I do not watch and detest immensely.
Also, I never ate aftershave. But now I’m tempted.

Sean is sitting in front of his computer with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and head. He looks like a medieval nut.
He likes it when I write about him (makes him feel special) so I am devoting this entire post to him. (Won’t he be happy?) He took me out for Chinese yesterday. I rather like Chinese. In fact, I believe that I’m going to go hunt down the leftovers.
Ha, David just came in and said that Sean looked like a granny. He’s kind of right.
Sean just squeaked in imitation of me. 😛 I don’t squeak. I was merely saying that I already knew something and he was contesting that fact. (And BTW, I DID know.)
He’s rearranging his room with a measuring tape and I think he just cut himself, judging from the “Ow, dammit!” I just heard.
I suggested ripping off his toenail (very long story that I shall NOT shorten for your benefit) and he gave a very sarcastic reply.
We played catch with a football yesterday (he was VERY careful to teach me that it was NOT called playing football; not the way we were doing it) and I believe I very much liked it.
Yeah. I REALLY need to go finish that Chinese food, I’m starved.
But Sean is pretty much awesome.

This is so weird. I’m in ____, living with Sean and his roommate David. And I like it. I kind of feel like a bachelor now. And, YES, I know the technical term is bachelorette, but I HATE that word.
I feel like a mess. Yeah, I get it, I just went through my first year of college with incredible grades, but I really have no idea what I want to do next. And certain other aspects of my life are just wearing me down. Curse you, Sean. Your thinking habit is rubbing off.
I love grapes!!! But rats, I’m out. I just read a great book – Empress, by Shan Sa. A bit disturbing in places though. Makes you wonder if Shan Sa cringed at all while she was writing it.
I miss home. I think I want to write though for now. I finally have time – and inclination – to write. Last night – or maybe it was the night before – Sean said that just once, he wanted to see someone who didn’t have “hanging out with friends” listed among their favorite things to do. Naturally, I could hardly oblige him. I miss my friends. A lot. It hasn’t even been a week. I think physical distance changes things a bit.
I’m listening to Pat Benatar. I think that’s a bad idea. It reminds me a bit of the Bad Days. And the bad days were bad indeed.
There. That’s much better. No, you would laugh if I told you what I’m listening to now. And I don’t feel like being laughed at right now. Give me another 27 seconds.

Summer’s almost here! At least, for me it is. I’ve got two weeks of school left; things are getting busy. I’ve got about 6 or 7 people to hang out with before I leave – all during finals week, which is actually my slowest week, except for the fact that I have to pack. (THAT MAKES ME SO EXCITED!!!) Oh, did I never mention???

I am about ready to BURST with excitement! I’m not going to tell you why – not yet – but I will some time. Because I’m pretty darn sure I’m gonna do it. And I’ll let you know when it’s finalized. HEHEHE!!!!!

Remember this post? It’s mine. Well, I’m going to go live with Sean for the summer. THAT’S what I was so darn excited about. And while I’m no longer bursting with it (probably because I’ve told everyone important to me), I’m still pretty effing happy. But man, I’ve got a lot of stuff to do in that time. I have to pack (MAN I wish I could start right now – I’m making a list already), see all my friends, get a job down there (I pretty much have a guaranteed one), get my license, and… and… and…
Well, it feels like I have a lot to do. Partly because I have to finish school too.
Here are some of the darned cheerfullest cloud pictures I’ve ever seen.

For some reason, it’s always when I should be doing homework that I want to write, read, or blog. I wonder if this is natural for humans or if it’s just another of the many manifestations of my… oh blast… there IS a word for it… but I can’t remember it right now… GAAH!!!!!
ANYWAY, back to the point. Which is that I want to blog. Oh, I’m at school, BTW. In one of the computer labs. I wonder if people can see what I’m writing. STOP LOOKING, PEOPLE!!!
Oh, never mind, the only person who’s behind me is too short to see above her (his?) computer. Now I feel silly.
My back is KILLING me. And so are my legs. Why is myself killing me??? What have I ever done to it? Well, besides feed it junk food, put it through torturous weight lifting routines, and force it to undergo ruthless tests of agility. And deprive it of sleep. NEVERTHELESS, it’s got no business killing me. And I can’t even kill it to get back at it.
Blast, I wish it was 2:30. 2:30 is such a nice time on these sorts of days. It means SCHOOL’S OUT FOR EVERYBODY AND MY BEST FRIEND CAN COME AND PICK ME UP AND SAVE ME FROM THIS DIABOLICAL NEST OF GENIUSES!!!! Perhaps he will be late. What then?
Silly Bridget. You know what then. Your mind shall be instantly taken over by erroneous beings carrying light sabers and popsicles. So you had better hope with all your cells that he shows up on time.
Note to self: look up the meaning of the word, “erroneous.”
Now I want to talk about the 202nd Panzer division. Was there a 202nd Panzer division? I don’t know. I kind of hope so, because otherwise I’ll be talking about nothing. But I kind of hope not, because if there is, I know nothing about it, and in the process of writing absolute lies about it I will be sure to be picked up not by my best friend but by some sort of organization devoted to eradicating (YES, I know what that word means) all people who tell absolute lies about their beloved 202nd Panzer division.
Oh, goodness. Kevin, pick me up soon. This is rapidly going downhill.
Why can’t I write stories as well I as I can write brainlessness and insanity?
AHA! I have discovered the answer! To write stories takes genius! To write about stupidity does not! Therefore, since I can write about stupidity but not about the lives of fictional people, I…
Never mind. That cannot be the answer.

No, I’m not giving up. That would be almost as stupid as what I’m doing. To quote Aragorn, “This day we fight!”

And I have seven happy little Jolly Ranchers. One Cherry, two Blue Raspberry, two grape, and two watermelon. Seven in all. Seven happy little jolly little Jolly Ranchers.

Okay, frankly, I feel horrible right now. I hate this. If you were to ask me what this is, I wouldn’t be able to give you a straight answer. Fortunately, you didn’t ask me, and hopefully I’ll be able to hash this out on my own. First though, I’m going to ignore the subject. I do that in real life; I might as well do it on here.
I really don’t like my math class all that much. Why? It’s easy. But way too time-consuming.
I painted my nails five different colors of sunset and my mom said I was schizophrenic. Not that I mind.
I’m listening to the Top Gun soundtrack right now.
Okay, I’ll stop ignoring the subject, once I tell you that I’m okay. Believe me? Good.
BTW, there is only one lie that I’ve told over and over again. And it’s the only one I’ll probably never stop telling. I bet the world would fall apart if I stopped telling it. Sorry, that was random.

Anyway. Okay, so I’m tired of homework. That’s definitely part of it.
Jordan is also part of it. I don’t understand the way she thinks anymore. Granted, I didn’t always, not very well, but certainly not now. I’m beginning to think I never knew her. For someone who used to be my best friend, that’s a little strange. That part’s definitely bugging me.
Also, I’ve been grouchy all day. Just little things. And the fact that I’ve been grouchy all day makes me grouchy now. Just the thought of it. And instead of fixing it, I’m being grouchier because of it.
Kevin wanted me to go to a concert with him in February. I don’t think I’ll be going. And even though I don’t really care much about concerts, I’m grumpy about that because I feel like being grumpy.
I’m grumpy because I deactivated my Facebook, I’m grumpy because dinner’s over, and I’m grumpy because I don’t feel like listening to music and I am anyway.
I’m grumpy because I haven’t gone to all the places I want to. In fact, I’ve only gone to a few. I wish there was TKD tonight. That always makes me feel better. TKD’s cool that way.
I think I’m grumpy because I’m bored.

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