Just Thinking…
Just another WordPress weblog

Every once in a while I think very deeply upon a matter. That’s when I start getting confused. And that’s when I stop thinking deeply.


It baffles me how catchy LMFAO is. I used to hate them. Even now, every time they come out with a new song, I don’t really like it. Then I listen to it a few times, and before I know it, I’m hooked. It doesn’t hurt that almost every song they make is fantastic for dancing to.
My back is bloody killing me. When one is the only girl who knows how to lead in a group of five girls who like to dance, it would be best if one did not teach them how to dip. One’s latissimus dorsi will seek revenge. Every time I talk like that, I remember Sheldon Cooper (from the Big Bang Theory) saying, “Incidentally, one can get beaten up in school simply by referring to oneself as ‘one.'”
Apparently that changes in college.

I’ve got Caravan Palace stuck in my head. I cannot stop listening to it. I keep finding new songs that I recognize from swing dancing.
On a slightly different note (but still related), I discovered that if you type repeat after youtube and before .com, it will play the song on repeat.
This whole thing is a bit problematic because I have math homework that is increasingly difficult to concentrate on.
Be still, my feet!

Category: dreams

So, funny thing. I’m in a good mood, but I want to be a grouch. Mostly because I feel like being obnoxious. So this is me, grouching… and being bad at it because there is no one around to obnoxiate.
I’m having traveling itches again. I don’t really know what to do with them. It seems almost impossible that I could actually go somewhere. I’d like to go to school in Germany next year, but it’s one of those things that sound fantastic but never actually happen.
Although… seriously, why shouldn’t that work? I have to go to school somewhere. I could make it fit in with my engineering classes somehow.
I could do this.

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