Just Thinking…
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Do you ever wonder about impossible things? Like infinity, or existence, or true love? It’s funny, I never once doubted infinity, but sometimes I wonder about existence. And true love – don’t even get me started. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll wake up and realize that everything was a dream – my family, my friends, Taekwon-Do, school. If I woke up from this, would it be with a feeling of dread that something was lurking around the corner of my bedroom door? Or would I be outright terrified, because I didn’t even have a bedroom, or a bedroom door, and whatever creature was there was something I could see looming over me instead of hiding in a corner? Maybe I would wake up happy. (Shut up, Myself, I can hear you laughing.) Maybe I would wake up heartbroken; it was such a sad dream. Maybe I would wake up full of new ideas. Maybe I would wake up in Middle-Earth. That wouldn’t be so bad at all. Obviously, I don’t doubt the fact that I exist. I mean, I’m here. That’s gotta mean something. I don’t even doubt that I exist on this earth. But it’s kind of fun just to speculate sometimes. Sorry for that dose of Aristotle. Or Plato. Or whoever the hell it was. I know some great philosopher must have wondered something like this.
You know, I’m a Christian. Wonder if you knew that.

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