Just Thinking…
Just another WordPress weblog

I’m pretty happy right now.
So am I.
I concur. Today is a day of exuberance and joyfulness.
In fact, I think this weekend has been rather excellent.
As perfect as it gets.
No, not quite.
Damn close.
This is true.
Damn true.
Why do you keep swearing???
Ask Bridget. That damn girl is always doing something weird.
It’s part of his character.
I see. I keep forgetting that I is male. Why is he, anyway?
Felt like making him that way. Me, Myself, and I. I am Me, you are Myself. We’re both female. I figured we needed a guy to keep things interesting. So I is male.
Pretty damn happy about it too.
Bridget! Stop making I swear. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
I am ashamed of Myself. *giggles*

I was just upstairs getting grapes and for some reason I randomly remembered a day, ages ago, when I told my TKD teacher that something was my fault. I had been doing kicks with another guy (the guy that I liked at the time, as a matter of fact) and wasn’t paying attention, and when he kicked me I flew against the wall. It didn’t hurt, but the teacher got mad at him for losing control. Anyway, a couple of nights later I was sitting along the sidelines, waiting for the adult class to get out, and the teacher came over there to get a water bottle, and I told him that the incident was mostly my fault. I figured he would be mad or something for not telling him sooner, but he was totally cool about; just said it was no problem and told me not to worry about it. I could have laughed, I was so relieved.
So, just looking at my online literature class – it seems someone doesn’t know how to spell “vulnerable”. Not trying to be critical, but spelling and grammar errors really bug me. And the worst part is, they’re all over the place.
But honestly, I couldn’t care less right now. Life is kinda beautiful.

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