Just Thinking…
Just another WordPress weblog

Wow. Just watched Sherlock Holmes. The guy is incredible. Or, I should say, the actor is incredible. But the overall effect… yeah.
I’m not quite sure what to do now that the test is over. Well, I suppose the obvious course of action is to prepare for the tournament this weekend. The excitement never stops, I’ll sleep when I’m dead, etc.
I’m multitasking right now. I always love doing that. It energizes me in the weirdest way.
Earlier I about collapsed on my bed, I was so tired. I just laid down for a minute and kind of stayed half-asleep for about ten minutes, then woke up when someone brought me a smoothie. More of a sorbet really. It was quite frozen. Very good. Strawberry.
Anyway, I’m highly awake now, and verging on hyper, but just at the point where I can get a ton of stuff done. Hence the multitasking. In addition to this, I’m doing homework, talking to friends, doing laundry, posting on a forum, and using my brain to it’s fullest extent. (Sherlock has that effect on me.)
I really love Taekwon-Do. Did you know that? It’s not just something that’s fun. I actually love it. I need it. I had to go two years without it once, and I don’t really think it’s a coincidence that those were pretty much the worst two years of my life. I plan to do it the rest of my life.
Speaking of the rest of my life, I wonder what I’ll do with it. For starters, I think I’ll have iced tea. Excuse me for a moment.
Moments later, I am back! With no iced tea. And my energy is going down. Waaaay down. I actually wrote today, for the first time in a while. A whole paragraph. I’m impressed with myself. The dryer finally stopped. About time.

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