Just Thinking…
Just another WordPress weblog

Well, maybe not really. But definitely fuck some of the people in it.


I think I need a change of pace. I suppose I just had one, and it’s been great, but I need something really exciting. And dammit, I don’t see why my parents are cracking down on me so hard. It doesn’t seem to matter how often I prove myself. I’m getting tired of it. No, I’ll still prove myself. Maybe not to them, but to everyone else, and besides, I’m too stubborn to just drop everything and give up.

Damn, I’m in such a weird mood right now, for a whole bunch of reasons.

A. I’m up late.
B. I’m talking to someone I never even suspected could hold a conversation. Turns out he’s just fine at it.
D. I’ve been talking to said person about stuff like traveling, and every time I talk about that it makes me want it so bad. I wouldn’t say I want it more than anything else, but I want it… a lot.
E. I’m not going to say…

All in all, though, it’s been pretty great since I got back. I like Kevin’s girlfriend a LOT more than I ever expected to. For some reason, I’ve been having so much more fun than I expected to here. I think I was right the first time – things are gonna work out.


Wow. Yesterday was insane. And I kind of made a mistake about Kevin and his girlfriend. She’s actually really nice. Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, and she doesn’t know when to stop saying “Fuck”, but she’s cool. There’s more to it than I’m writing right now (c’mon, it’s freakin’ EARLY), but I think everything will work out.

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