Just Thinking…
Just another WordPress weblog

SOOOO… two delightfully distasteful tasks awaiting my attention. I can finish my calculus homework, or I can email my computer science teacher to say that I’m dropping the class. I feel like I’m wimping out. I feel like that’s all I do anymore. I skip TKD because I’m doing homework, when I could probably go AND still get all my homework done if I stayed up a little longer.
Everyone’s telling me I should drop the class. And I know, I’m taking plenty of credits already, and I can’t really risk screwing up my GPA. But still. I’m not really liking this. And I know whichever I choose I’m going to regret it. So now all I have to decide is if I want to keep my pride or my GPA. If I weren’t a genius, I would say that I hate myself right about now. As it stands, I hate the fact that I can’t stick with what I start.


I am about ready to BURST with excitement! I’m not going to tell you why – not yet – but I will some time. Because I’m pretty darn sure I’m gonna do it. And I’ll let you know when it’s finalized. HEHEHE!!!!!


No, life is not wonderful. Life lately is downright horrible. But for some reason it’s making me be cheerful. For now.

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