Just Thinking…
Just another WordPress weblog

This is so weird. I’m in ____, living with Sean and his roommate David. And I like it. I kind of feel like a bachelor now. And, YES, I know the technical term is bachelorette, but I HATE that word.
I feel like a mess. Yeah, I get it, I just went through my first year of college with incredible grades, but I really have no idea what I want to do next. And certain other aspects of my life are just wearing me down. Curse you, Sean. Your thinking habit is rubbing off.
I love grapes!!! But rats, I’m out. I just read a great book – Empress, by Shan Sa. A bit disturbing in places though. Makes you wonder if Shan Sa cringed at all while she was writing it.
I miss home. I think I want to write though for now. I finally have time – and inclination – to write. Last night – or maybe it was the night before – Sean said that just once, he wanted to see someone who didn’t have “hanging out with friends” listed among their favorite things to do. Naturally, I could hardly oblige him. I miss my friends. A lot. It hasn’t even been a week. I think physical distance changes things a bit.
I’m listening to Pat Benatar. I think that’s a bad idea. It reminds me a bit of the Bad Days. And the bad days were bad indeed.
There. That’s much better. No, you would laugh if I told you what I’m listening to now. And I don’t feel like being laughed at right now. Give me another 27 seconds.

I’m here at my brother’s. He’s sleeping. Small wonder, it’s 5:20 AM. I fell asleep last night at 8 and didn’t hear a single one of my ten missed calls. Apparently my mom was freaking out a little. I don’t usually sleep that heavily. I just woke up about ten minutes ago after a nightmare; so glad those aren’t a regularity like they used to be!
RATS, I wish Sean would wake up!!! He won’t for hours though; he got home pretty late last night. I kind of want breakfast… think I’ll go have some grapes. Grapes are good creatures.

Man, it was so good to see Sean again. And tomorrow I’m going to move in. WOWWWWWW. Little Bridget growing up!
I need to find my specialty. So many people I know have one already. For my dad, it’s computers. For Kevin, it’s knives. For another guy I know it’s history and travel. Now, I like history, travel, computers, and knives. Ask anyone I know. But I don’t have a specialty. Nothing I’m really passionate about. Except thunderstorms. And what good will something like that do? That’s why I don’t count it as a specialty. Oh well. I’ll figure it out. Right? I hate it when people say I have years to figure this stuff out. What if I don’t?
My mom is kind of upset over me leaving. She got really mad this morning because I wanted to stop by Kevin’s and say goodbye. Said I was selfish and all that jazz. She got over it pretty fast though, once we got home and started loading up the vehicle. And then – what do you know? – Kevin pulls into my driveway with Leah and Devon. I knew he was coming, but I didn’t know he was bringing the rest of them. I could have kissed every one of them. Even Devon, who messes with my hair and thinks I’m a little kid. It was a little like the time Kevin came to my black belt test with two of his cousins.
Crap. I won’t see them much this summer, if at all. OWWWW. Those guys are my best friends.

I mean, seriously, what kind of job am I going to be doing that requires this? I get why we do the word problems and all that, but do I really want to find the death count of an earthquake disaster in one city compared to another, when the ratio is this to that and it’s divisible by this number? Sheesh. Getting kind of morbid, aren’t we?

That was me (talking about algebra) a couple of years ago. And now I’m in calculus.

DAMN I’m in a good mood tonight. Life is being nice. And… I don’t want to say this yet… I don’t want to tempt fate… but I already told Kevin and Sean… and my family…
I’m pretty sure I aced the calculus final.

It’s weird to read about history that you lived through.

Pardon me for saying so, but I DON’T WANNA LEAVE!!!!

Summer’s almost here! At least, for me it is. I’ve got two weeks of school left; things are getting busy. I’ve got about 6 or 7 people to hang out with before I leave – all during finals week, which is actually my slowest week, except for the fact that I have to pack. (THAT MAKES ME SO EXCITED!!!) Oh, did I never mention???

I am about ready to BURST with excitement! I’m not going to tell you why – not yet – but I will some time. Because I’m pretty darn sure I’m gonna do it. And I’ll let you know when it’s finalized. HEHEHE!!!!!

Remember this post? It’s mine. Well, I’m going to go live with Sean for the summer. THAT’S what I was so darn excited about. And while I’m no longer bursting with it (probably because I’ve told everyone important to me), I’m still pretty effing happy. But man, I’ve got a lot of stuff to do in that time. I have to pack (MAN I wish I could start right now – I’m making a list already), see all my friends, get a job down there (I pretty much have a guaranteed one), get my license, and… and… and…
Well, it feels like I have a lot to do. Partly because I have to finish school too.
Here are some of the darned cheerfullest cloud pictures I’ve ever seen.

The weirdest thing just happened. I was walking back to school after having breakfast/lunch/dessert, and these three guys were walking on the sidewalk in my direction. As is typical of me, I looked at them. (I tend to look at things that are in front of me. And if the things are good-looking, it makes it easier.) Anyway, the guy on the right looked straight at me and literally slowed down. For some reason (and this is really weird) I could not look away. It wasn’t a love-at-first-sight kind of look; more like yeah-you’re-cute-but-why-are-you-staring-at-me look. At least on my part. I have no idea why he was staring. We watched each other until we were literally side-by-side.
Now, all you romantics are thinking something along the lines of, “That’s so sweet! I bet you’ll meet him again, fall in love, get married and have a million children.” Trust me, it wasn’t that kind of look. My eyes must have gotten stuck or something.
I think his eyes were blue. I’m not really into blue eyes.

Uggh, I’m getting restless again. WHY can’t I have something a little different??? I don’t want to just sit around. Sure, I love to do that on weekends, but sometimes I just wanna scream because there’s nothing new. If I could at least sit around somewhere else… like in a hammock in Hawaii, or in a thatched hut in Scotland. (Do they still have those? Or was that just in Braveheart?) Okay, fine, so I’m romanticizing travel. And danger. And adventure, and love, and everything else. I dare you to do different for something you desperately want.
I think what I really want is something dangerous. I’m kind of getting tingles right now, just thinking of it.

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