Just Thinking…
Just another WordPress weblog

I’m having an awfully good life. Like, amazing. I know it could get better. But I’m pretty satisfied with it as it is. I’m swing dancing and doing TKD and ice skating and I’m going to start swimming tomorrow. DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! There isn’t enough! I’m having an absolutely fabulous time – how can I possibly be unsatisfied? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME???????? Well, there are only two options – get over it, or throw everything else away and travel the world until there’s nothing left to see. (After that, start on space.) What? Did you really just say that there’s a third option? Stay here and be miserable? No. I don’t intend to live my entire life like that. I’m going to have the best time anyone ever could. I am NOT going to get stuck living an ordinary life.


Uggh. That old feeling is never gonna go away, is it? I’m not even gonna be able to find a new way to put it. I need to travel. I’ve got to see the world. I have to explore every corner until I die. Simple as that.

Last night was amazing. I went with the honors group to watch Troy (we’ve been reading the Iliad and that was essentially the result) (and yes we are nerds) and it was so much fun!
I love being a nerd. Nerd life is so awesome.


Today was a fabulous day. Nothing spectacularly great happened, but everything went well. And I had no trouble finding parking. 🙂


I’m so dead. So completely exhausted. I was up until 3:30 last night (a fact which is now known to almost every unlucky person I’ve spoken to today) working on… CALCULUS!!! I can just imagine what I’ll be doing tonight. Oh, and I mustn’t forget the Iliad. There’s quite a lot of that to read too. It’s weird to be in Honors classes. Everyone is as smart – or smarter – than me. But it’s nice to have people that know exactly what I’m talking about when I use big words. I should probably go work on homework; I’ve got two math assignments due tonight and chemistry homework due tomorrow plus 6 chapters of the Iliad and – let’s see, am I forgetting anything? No, I think that’s it. Wonderful.


Holy SHIT. I just got on here (after logging in this morning, mind you) and found two hundred and twenty-freaking-nine spam comments. More pop up about every 2 minutes. It’s disturbing. Ah, yes, another one.
I have chem lab tomorrow. NO FREAKIN’ CLUE what to expect, but I know a couple of people who will be there, so it can’t be too bad. Right? I actually kind of like chemistry. (Another comment. This is ridiculous.) (Make that two.) (Or three. Jeez.) I really want curly fries right now. The gas station nearby makes the most amazing curly fries. (Two more comments.) I’m “doing” calculus right now. Difficult stuff. Indefinite integrals are killer. (Aiieeee. This is ridiculous.)


Did I tell you about the tournament??? I may not have had the chance. But yeah, Taekwon-Do Regionals were just held, and you wanna know something? I kicked ass. I do not even care if I’m bragging right now. I got gold in sparring (against one person, but I couldn’t help that), gold in breaking (and trust me, that WAS impressive), and bronze in patterns (completely my fault – I messed up).
Also, school has started, and as expected, it is insane. I’m also a little tired. And completely non-random at this point.


College is so busy. I’m so tired.


Man, my arms still hurt like the bloody dickens. Six vaccinations – probably won’t do that again any time soon. Also, I just realized today that I no longer have a valid passport, which means that I’ll have to take care of that. Preferably without the knowledge of my parents. Of course, scraping up the money for a passport is going to be difficult too, since one of my clients is away on a trip and the other has scheduling conflicts. I’m having trouble finding more. They both said they’ll pass my name around, but it’s best not to count on that, because even if they do, not everyone is going to need help.
Man, my parents are really NOT going to be thrilled about this. I kind of half-mentioned it to my dad and he was not stingy in his disapproval. I can only imagine how my mom will react. But if I can, I’m going. I’ll pay them back for college – I was always planning to anyway – but if I can possibly go to Europe, I’M GOING.


I’ve decided I like braids. Sierra and I are talking about love stories. She says she’ll laugh if I “have a drop-dead romantic love story” that beats hers. She’s the romantic; she may have her love story if she wants it. I just want love. Nothing weird about that, right? Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I don’t need it.
I want to travel, darn it!

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